Living with ADHD is exhausting:

You have to mask around others as a way to appear "normal". You may beat yourself up because of it, causing low self-esteem. Sometimes, it can cause you to have a hard time focusing with the tasks you have to get done. Conflicts occur between you and your loved ones as a result of your executive dysfunction. These feelings and difficulties can be amplified if you’re a woman or were born female at birth. 

You are not alone.

It seems challenging to catch up when everything is stacked against you as a result of navigating a world made for neurotypicals no matter how smart or talented you are. Even when you do everything right, it may not be enough based on other people’s criticisms. But…

You have a lot to say.

You have a lot to do.

You have ideas that you want to execute.

Does having ADHD mean that you have to forgo who you are to get things done? Answer: NO It’s all about developing strategies you can use to better manage ADHD while being your authentic self:

  • Identifying things that are keeping you “off your game

  • Trying new strategies to get things done through trial-and-error 

  • Overcoming that task paralysis

  • Learning to love yourself for who you are without masking

Ready to take the next step in unmasking while getting things done?